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Setting Oracle Database Environment Variables after Installation on Linux/OL/Windows

Setting environment parameters after Oracle database installation involves configuring various environment variables and system settings to ensure that the database...

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

The error message “ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ora-27101: shared memory” typically occurs in the context of Oracle Database and indicates that there is an...

oracle 19c deinstall utility on ol/rhel 8 fails with “error:null”

It seems like you’re encountering an issue with the Oracle 19c deinstall utility on Oracle Linux (OL) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8, and you’re getting...

Step by Step Guide: Oracle 19c Installation On Linux/Oracle Linux 8.x

In last article, we discussed step by step environment readiness before starting installation of oracle database 19c on Linux/Oracle Linux 8.x version. but in this...

Installing Oracle Database 19c on Linux/Oracle Linux 8.x

Introduction: Oracle Database 19c stands as a pinnacle of reliability, performance, and security in the world of enterprise-level databases. This article will show...

INS-20802- Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed

During the installation of Oracle database 19c on Linux/OL8 , you may come across an error “ Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed ” This error occurred due to below...

Uninstall Oracle 19c in Linux/OL8 and remove Oracle configuration files completely

With some reasons, we need to remove or uninstall Oracle Database from our computer. for Oracle Database 19c, it is easy to remove Oracle software and configuration files...

How to Resolve INS-08101 Unexpected Error on Linux/OL 8

Introduction: While trying to install oracle database 19c on Linux/OL 8 through Oracle Universal Installer in GUI as well as silent mode in Linux or Oralce Linux that...

The Ultimate Guide to the Top 5 Linux Desktop Distributions for 2023

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