A Step by Step Guide Installing OpenSSL on Windows Platform

OpenSSL is an open-source software library that provides encryption, decryption, and other security functions to protect your data. It’s a necessary tool for anyone who wants to keep their data secure and out of the hands of pesky hackers. With OpenSSL, you can encrypt your emails, protect your website, and secure your internet connection. you can think it like online bogugaurd of your data and files communication over the internet. Do not Worry, since OpenSSL is a cross-platform utility that supports Windows, Linux, and mac. In this blog post we will learn installing OpenSSL on the Windows platform just with few clicks.

How to Install OpenSSL on Windows Platform

In this blog post, we will show you how to install OpenSSL on Windows step by step.

How to Install OpenSSL on Windows Platform?

Before starting installation, First you need to download OpenSSL Installer to install on all windows platform.

Step 1: Download the OpenSSL installer

The first step is to download the OpenSSL installer from the official website. You can do this by visiting the following link: Download OPenSSL Installer.

Download OpenSSL installer

Step 2: Run the OpenSSL installer

Step 2: Run the OpenSSL Setup

Once you have downloaded, the OpenSSL installer, run it by double-clicking on it. The installer will guide you through the installation process. In Windows 11 due to some security reason system not allow to install on PC. In my case, we want to install on system click “More Info” to proceed installation process.

Run OpenSSL setup to verify system security.

Here clearly showing that this application is not recognized by any well know publisher.

Click “Run Anyway” to proceed installation process.

The installation procedure is quite simple and straight.
1. Accept license agreement.

OpenSSL License Agreement

2- Specify the Installation location.

Next Step, Select some additional tasks to complete the installation process.

1- The Windows System Directory

2- the OpenSSL binaries (/bin) directory.

Select OpenSSL installation to copy files

3- Start Installation Process:

Next Click to install button to initiate OpenSSL installation. Installation summary where destination location is C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64

Installation process under progress………

3- Installation of OpenSSL Completed.

The installation will take 5 to 10 seconds. Click Finish to complete the installation process.

OpenSSL installation completed

How to Configure OpenSSL in Windows?

Once the OpenSSL instalation completed successfully, need to configure it on Windows to get our targets to apply security on system.

Method 1:

Step 1: Set Environment Variable from command prompt

If you just want to set the environment variables only for a login session, then run these commands from command prompt. to do activity search for the “Command Prompt” in windows startup menu and open it “Run as Administrator“.

Use below commands to Set Environment Variable through command prompt.

set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg.
set Path=%Path%;C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin

Configure OpenSSL environment variable

Step 2: Open OpenSSL Command Prompt

Next step to open the “Win64 OpenSSL Command Prompt” searching from windows main menu to check OPenSSL version.

Step 3: Confirm OpenSSL installation

Now, we will verify OpenSSL installed version with command “openssl version” on windows operating system.

Method 2:

Set Environment Variable via windows GUI

Search for “Environment Variables” just typing from keyboard by hitting windows button.

Next system will open system properties window and by default selected “Advance” tab.

Select Setup and Recovery section select “Environment Variables”. after that, A screen will pop up showing User variables and System variables. In the User variables section, Create a new variable with name “OpenSSL_Conf“. then click to OK to save variable values.

  • Next, In the User variables section, select Path and click Edit.
  • Click on Browse.
  • Go to where the openssl.exe is, which should be at “This PC > Windows (C:) > Program Files > OpenSSL – Win64 > bin” and select that folder. Click OK.
  • You should see it added at the top. Make sure to click OK on this screen and the subsequent screens


First of all download latest version OpenSSL for Windows, install it on windows any platform.Then, execute it to start OpenSSL installation wizard, accept “License Agreement”, set OpenSSL installation location, and install OpenSSL on Windows. After that, set environment variables using the Command Prompt for OpenSSL configuration. This blog demonstrated the step-by-step procedure to install, configure, and uninstall OpenSSL in Windows.

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