How to Install Cisco VPN Client V. 5.0 on Windows 10

Although Cisco Company has discontinued the further development on same version and even Microsoft Windows 10 Cisco VPN client Support not available, in fact Cisco itself did supported this version client till Operating system Windows 7 and later more. Actually Cisco wants to introduce new VPN client version that would be compatible to future operating system.

VPN stands for virtual private network and can help protect your Internet connection by tunneling the connection between the two endpoints and encrypting all sent or received data. Also, an additional layer of security is included as you will need to authenticate in order to access data.

There are many companies offering VPN servers, but one of the most secure and popular is Cisco.

Anyways, here we use our best tips and tricks to install Cisco VPN client version on windows 10 Operating system. Or if you have upgraded windows 7/8 to windows 10 operating system then also follow the same steps as well.

Today, we will teach you how to enable the Cisco VPN client on Windows 10.


Once you meet all the requirements, you will be able to start installing and configuring the VPN client on your Windows 10 PC by taking the following steps:


Uninstall Install any Cisco VPN client if already installed on PC  From Control Panel – then reboot system.

Uninstall Cisco VPN Client

Windows Control Panel

Step-1 :

Install Cisco VPN Client Fix X64 from downloaded location. please follow the simple steps that showing in installation wizard. once installation done then Reboot your PC.

Cisco VPN Client Fix

Step 2: 

Install Citrix DNE Update software to install and configure Virtual Network Adapter settings. but make sure that it matches your computer’s architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).

  • Go to location where DNE setup file was downloaded.
  • Double Click installation file.
  • do the procedure as steps are showing on wizard screen.
  • once installation completed , then Reboot PC.
Citrix DNE setup installation wizard

Citrix DNE setup installation wizard

Step 3: 

Before this step first two steps were pre-requisites installation.  Now Install Cisco VPN client version on you PC.

  • Go to location where Cisco VPN Client Version setup file was downloaded.
  • Double Click installation file.
  • Follow the Procedural steps as are showing on wizard screen.
  • once installation completed , then Reboot PC.
Cisco VPN Client

Cisco VPN Client Installation Wizard.

Step 4:

This is final Step of Cisco VPN Client Installation Process. Now yow will open Windows Registry Editor  . To launch it do as following.

Press Windows Button from keyboard then type/write regedit and click on it from menu. or press shortcut ke

regiedit from start menu

y Windows + R.


windows Run screen






Once Regedit Window is open

Go to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE << SYSTEM << ControlSet001 << Services << CVirtA

Search for Display Name Key , Double click it to edit the entry.

Change From or remove extra text before Cisco Systems VPN Adapter

Windows Registry Editor Screen

Windows Registry Editor Screen@oem8.ifn,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter   to  Cisco Systems VPN Adapter;

Change Key Data Value


Once Changes done then  close the Registry Editor.

Go to Windows start menu launch the Cisco VPN Client Software and configure it to connect to your VPN server. or  if you are provided cisco VPN configuration certificate file then import and connect with given credentials.

If the latest Windows updates prevent the app from working as it should, Cisco recommends using their AnyConnect Mobility client, which offers a VPN client and other solutions in one package.

Read Also:

  1. Computer Hardware and Software
  2. Computer Generations 1st to 6th
  3. Uses of Computer in Different Fields | Application of Computer in Various Fields




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