ORA-0000: normal, successful completion

In this blog post, we will explain what the ORA-00000 error means, what causes it, and how to handle it properly.

What the ORA-00000 Error Means?

If you are a database administrator or developer, you may have encountered the ORA-00000 error message at some point. This error code indicates that the SQL statement executed successfully and returned a normal status. However, this does not mean that there are no issues or warnings that you should be aware of.

What are the Causes of ORA-00000?

The ORA-00000 error is a generic code that covers a range of situations where the SQL statement completed without errors. Some of these situations are:

  • The statement did not affect any rows in the database. For example, an UPDATE or DELETE statement with a WHERE clause that did not match any records.
  • The statement returned an empty result set. For example, a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause that did not match any records.
  • The statement was a DDL (Data Definition Language) statement that created, altered, or dropped an object in the database. For example, a CREATE TABLE or DROP INDEX statement.
  • The statement was a DCL (Data Control Language) statement that granted or revoked privileges on an object in the database. For example, a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
  • The statement was a TCL (Transaction Control Language) statement that committed or rolled back a transaction. For example, a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.

How to handle Error ORA-00000?

In most cases, the ORA-00000 error is not a problem and simply indicates that the SQL statement executed as expected. However, there are some scenarios where you may want to check for additional information or take some actions after receiving this error code. Some of these scenarios are:

  • If you are using PL/SQL blocks or procedures, you may want to use the SQL%ROWCOUNT attribute to check how many rows were affected by the last SQL statement. This can help you verify that your logic is correct and that you are not missing any data.
  • If you are using triggers or constraints on your tables, you may want to use the SQL%FOUND or SQL%NOTFOUND attributes to check whether the last SQL statement fired any triggers or violated any constraints. This can help you identify any potential errors or inconsistencies in your data model.
  • If you are using exception handling in your PL/SQL blocks or procedures, you may want to use the SQLCODE and SQLERRM functions to check the error code and message of the last SQL statement. This can help you handle any errors gracefully and provide meaningful feedback to the user.

The ORA-00000 error is a normal and successful completion code that indicates that the SQL statement executed without errors. However, depending on the context and the type of statement, you may want to check for additional information or take some actions after receiving this error code. By using the appropriate PL/SQL attributes and functions, you can ensure that your database operations are accurate and reliable.

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