The ABCs of Computing: An Introduction to Computers for Everyone


we can write many content over the topic “The ABCs of Computing” but few of them written below.

  1. Origin of Word Computer
  2. Definition
  3. Why is Computer important in human life?
  4. Characteristics of Computer
  5. Which are the fields and departments where computers are working?  
  6. What can computer not do?

In this Blog Post we will discuss all above mentioned points one by one in a very simple way. The ABCs of computing means everyone can understand easily the computer basics.

1. Origin of word Computer:

The basic reason of computer’s invention was the mathematical calculations. In early days the computer used for calculating values. So the word computer derived from a “Latin” word “compute” which means “to calculate”.

2. Definition:

What is Computer?

Computer is an electronic machine which takes input from user, process it, gives output and store it for later use.

A computer can accept instructions as input from user and perform operations on it and gives information as output. It stores information for later usage.

The ABCs of Computing

3. Why is computer important in human life?

In early days manual working was too much time consuming and human spent large amount of time in solving problems. The invention and advancement in computer take over the manual working system and now computers are solving very complex and large amount of problems in a tiny time frame as compared to human. Due to its fastest working speed and accuracy in results computer given preferred. To utilize computer in daily life everyone should must knowledge about The ABCs of Computing. 

4. Characteristics of Computer

Let we discuss some characteristic of computer which makes prominent the reasons why computer is important?. The ABCs of Computing has the following characteristics.

  • Speed: Computer is a speedy machine. A problem that a man can solve in hours, days, can be solved by computer in micro seconds. Most of computers perform billions of operations in one second.
  • Accuracy: Computer’s work is accurate; it does not make mistakes. The errors may occur due wrong input, wrong instructions or bugs in its chip. All the errors are due to human. Computer performs action accurately and computers can do the same task repetitively with same accuracy without any break.  
  • Reliability: Computer is too much reliable because it does not produce wrong results and never tired if we use it continuously. So it is accurate and tireless machine.
  • Versatility: Computer is a versatile machine which can perform different kind of tasks with same efficiency and accuracy. If we perform a 100 tasks for hundred times, it will work with same efficiency and accuracy as it performs first time.
  • Adaptability: Computer has ability to work and control each & every electronic device. You can plug camera, motors, fax and many other machines with it to get required result.
  • Storage Capacity: Computer is used due to its huge storage capacity. Data that you can place in 200 Almirah can be stored in a computer on its small hard disk sized 3 to 5 inches. Hard disks of computer can store huge amount of data, which can be accessed any time.

5. Which are the fields and departments where computers are working?

Due to excellent characteristics computer every field using computer. Computer is working as part of other machines as well as a separate machine. Following fields using Computer in their daily operations by understanding of The ABCs of Computing.

1- Household

Peoples are using computers in homes. They are using internet services through their Laptops, Desktop PCs and mobile phones. Computers used in homes for listening music watching movies and for learning purpose too. They are spending time with YouTube, Facebook.

The ABCs of Computing-household

2. Robotics Technology

Now days, many fields are using robots to handle the machinery and tasks. In robotic technology, engineering industory using computer hardware and software to handles the robot’s activities. AI involved in robotic technology.  

3. Offices

In offices computers used to maintain office record. Computer used to create letters, salary sheets, many of other kind documentation, printing and running databases.  

4. Industries

In current time, industries are using latest computerized machinery. Computers are operating machines and also using for maintaining inventory records, designing patterns, textiles designing, maintaining data and accounts.

5. Banks

In banks whole system is computerized. Computers used for electronic banking, transferring funds, analyzing credits, processing the applications of customers for loan, ID screening, maintaining database system. A cashier deals with customer’s accounts through a computerized system when he is paying and receiving amount. 

The ABCs of Computing-Banks

6. Railways

Most popular usage of computer in railway is ticket reservation. Railway’s ticket reservation system is a computerized system; through which you can book your tickets. Agent can verify the availability of seats in trains station by station, root by root. Monitoring of trains and stations also controlled through computerized system.

The ABCs of Computing-Railways

7. Airlines

Airlines are using computers for engineering of aircraft, Flights management, to kept record of Aircraft and employee’s data. Computers are also working for scanning of aircraft before and after taking flight. Ticket system also maintained by using computers and record of passengers also maintained. During the journey aircraft communication also controlled through computers and radars.

The ABCs of Computing-Airlines

8- Hotels and Restaurants

In hotels and Restaurants computers use to keep guest’s records, billing system, reservations, room assignments, keeping record of meetings and events. Computers are participating in food orders, beverages and also supporting to generating reports.

9- Universities

Computers are playing very important role in universities. For admission process, exams systems, for result generating and maintenance of office record, we mostly use computers. In research computers are playing a vital role. Teachers are using computers and multimedia projectors in their lectures.

10. Data Communication and Telecommunications

The overall system of data communication and telecommunication is based on computerized system. Computers involved in data sharing and keeping records of telecommunication. The data of callers kept in computers through an automatic system. Information exchanged between computers in data communication.  

11. Online Reservation System

The reservations system of railways, airlines, hotels & restaurants are working online in these days for quick services. The whole reservation systems computerized and available online through internet. You can book rooms, tickets from online reservation system.

12. Online Shopping

We are using computers for sake of sale purchase different products online from different platforms like, Draz, Amazon, and may other shopping companies. These companies are using computers to provide services for customers. They have computerized online stores having databases from where users can select and book their orders and company keep their records and sale purchase history. 

13. Online Banking

As much internet is important like this computer is very important in online banking. In online banking computers are providing facilities for maintaining online databases, networks and controlling communication between customers and banks about their accounts and services. Customers are withdrawing, transferring funds using ATM through online banking.

The ABCs of Computing- Online Banking

14. Schools and Colleges

Schools and Colleges are using computers to maintain their record of students and employees. They have databases which are installed and maintained through computers. In computer labs students are using computers for learning and research purposes. Admissions, exams and results are maintained by using computers.

15. Shopping Malls

Shopping Malls are organizing their inventory record, sale purchase record, billing system with the usage of computers. They are also managing their monitoring system with computers. CCTV cameras are also controlled by the computers. Customer’s bills are generated by a computerized system in a latest shopping mall.

16. Companies

Companies are using computers in their offices for record keeping and managing company data and employee’s records. They are maintaining their ledgers, salaries record, sale purchase record with the help of computers. They are generating their reports by using computers.

17. Agriculture

Computerare imparting their important role in agriculture. Seed estimators, weather predictions and automated farmland assessment systems run and controlled by using the computers.

Computer for Everyone-Agriculture

18- Hospitals

Computers used in wide range to operate medical machinery, like ultrasonography, CT scans, MRIs, blood test. Doctors are also using computers for their findings and descriptions and course of therapies. To maintain the records of hospitals, Medicine inventory and patient’s medical history, we use computers in day to day operations.

Computers for everyone-hospitals

In these fields and departments computers are used to keep record and also controlling other attached machines.  

What can computer not do?

Computer cannot generate a brand new idea because it cannot think like a human being. So the computer can do all those tasks which are programed in it.


The ABCs of Computing means the basic understanding of computers for everyone. This article contains like Origin of Word Computer, Definition. Why is Computer important in human life?. Characteristics of Computer. Which are the fields and departments where computers are working? . What can computer not do?

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